Saturday, September 26, 2020

Flashes of Wonder #3: Sorcerer as Secret-Seeking Protagonist


UKA THE UNDYING, the zombie sorcerer, is experimenting with flashes of dark magics to blast the minds of bards! Illustration provided by Mustafa Bekir.

"Flashes of Wonder" will be posted every week. It will feature a sword and sorcery flash fiction prompt. Share your "flash of wonder" on social media. -JRC

Sorcerer as Secret-Seeking Protagonist: Sorcerers, thaumaturges, and dark-priests are frequently the antagonists in S&S fiction. But what if they were the protagonist? Write a 500 word S&S story that focuses on the sorcerer as the secret-seeking protagonist, an outsider, who desires eld lore rather than blood-stained coin. How does this change the role of the barbarian figure? How does this change the setting focus? What elements of typical S&S take prominence, and which ones take on a more secondary role?(500 words)

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